Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hello, We are...

Kathy and Lorraine and we are the "Sforza Sisters"

We want to introduce ourselves and what better way than to videotape. Well, this is our first attempt videotaping...on an let us just say it's not the "BEST" is the "BEGINNING" :)

Click the arrow & tape will begin...As you can see, we shot in segments...
not because we wanted to,
because that's just the way the iPhone wanted to. ;)

Lorraine's Garage...

Our Trucks...

Miss Mabel Martha...

Hazards of the job...

Picker Sisters or "BICKER SISTERS" ???

And the show goes on...

Some Finds...

Our videographer...

Million Dollar Find ???

Alyssa's Favorite Find...

We decided to just "BE OURSELVES"...Warts and All...and in the next few months we will post some of our "FINDS" & you will see if it is 

Born Junkers Tawkin Trash,
Kathleen Sforza
Lorraine Sforza Razzano

eBay Stores:
Lorraine's Favorite Finds (vintage, retro & antique items)

Our Other Blogs:

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