Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hello, We are...

Kathy and Lorraine and we are the "Sforza Sisters"

We want to introduce ourselves and what better way than to videotape. Well, this is our first attempt videotaping...on an let us just say it's not the "BEST" is the "BEGINNING" :)

Click the arrow & tape will begin...As you can see, we shot in segments...
not because we wanted to,
because that's just the way the iPhone wanted to. ;)

Lorraine's Garage...

Our Trucks...

Miss Mabel Martha...

Hazards of the job...

Picker Sisters or "BICKER SISTERS" ???

And the show goes on...

Some Finds...

Our videographer...

Million Dollar Find ???

Alyssa's Favorite Find...

We decided to just "BE OURSELVES"...Warts and All...and in the next few months we will post some of our "FINDS" & you will see if it is 

Born Junkers Tawkin Trash,
Kathleen Sforza
Lorraine Sforza Razzano

eBay Stores:
Lorraine's Favorite Finds (vintage, retro & antique items)

Our Other Blogs:

Facebook Fan Pages: 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Sforza Sisters...Tawkin Trash


First things first, let us introduce ourselves...We are Kathy & Lorraine...


Lorraine & Kathy
Second, we are New Yorkers...Staten Islanders to be exact. 

& we are writing this blog because we "LOVE" to "TAWK" TRASH !!!

No, we will not be cursing or dissing anyone.

"YA KNOW" as a true New Yorker would say...Let's Tawk Trash...  

because we all know that...

One person's trash is another person's treasure.

Our story...

Once upon a time...
when we were just kids...our mother, Jeanette, would take us to yard sales & auctions & our Pop Tony would take us picking through the woods. Flash forward 35 years...we can now say that we have bickered our way through 1000's of yard sales, estate sales, church fairs, storage auctions, antique auctions, bulk pickup nights, attics, basements, & house clean outs.

"You know"...they once had a show called the "Picker Sisters" & like them we are "Pickers" & unlike them, we are truly "Sisters" & as everyone knows...
sisters have a tendency to we might actually be called...

"The Bicker Sisters" !!! ;)

We will give you a glimpse into our "Glamorous" lives 
(this according to Reality TV) !!! 

PLEASE NOTE:  (Unlike Reality TV)
We will not be picking in Daisy Dukes or Cocktail Dresses...this is not allowed. It is a hazard to our bodies to be picking through trash while dressed for the beach or a wedding. Black & Blues, Cuts & Bruises are hazards of the job...not to mention shorts & dresses look utterly ridiculous & out of place. Let's just say we are older & wiser and know that jeans are a much better option.

Has Lorraine found trash or a treasure ???

Kathy questioning...Trash or Treasure ???

On this blog you will be able to take a sneak peek at...

Our Store: Town & Country Gifts

Our Etsy Shop:  Lorraine's Favorite Finds

Our Facebook Fan Pages:  

& of course, our Family.  

Readers of this blog will get a peek into the "Glamorous Life" of...

Searching, Researching, & Selling Trash...EXCUSE US...we mean "Treasures". ;)

Tools of the trade...Copies of Craigslist & Staten Island Advance Classifieds
Kathy checking her list...
Lorraine double checking...
To quote our 10 year old nephew, Stephen..."Aunt Kathy & Aunt Lorraine buy junk and sell antiques!" Oh...the things kids say.
In today's tough economic times...many people come to our store & want to know how much their stuff is worth.  Most times, we are the bearers of "Bad News"...but sometimes they do have a treasure or two.

Like most brick & mortar stores today, our store is struggling...everyone wants to sell us their stuff...few want to buy it.  We often joke that we should charge an admission fee for our store... especially after someone "Shops" in our store for hours & then leaves without purchasing anything.  

We want to shout..."It's not a Museum...BUY SOMETHING !!!"  

We'll fill you in on the ins & outs of selling on eBay...many of you may suspect or already know...selling on eBay is not as easy as it may seem. 

People tell us all the time that they saw it for sale on eBay for X amount of $'s.
Asking for X amount of $'s & selling for X amount of $'s 
are two different things. 

You can ask $1000.00 for something, but in reality it may only sell for $100.00 & if you put it out auction style it may only sell for $10.00 !!!

Of course, how could we mention eBay & not mention feedback. The two go hand & hand...eBay makes you think that feedback is the most important thing on this earth. 

All we can say to eBay is that try as you might to make feedback the ruler of our lives...we do our "BEST" & leave the rest up to God.

We'll talk about writing our blogs (for over 3 years) & not knowing if anyone actually reads them.  

We will talk about how we update our Facebook Fan Pages daily where only a few people comment, but everyday when we are out & about, we run into people who always seem to know something about our "Facebook Lives".

We think Facebook is today's equivalent of Gladys Kravitz, the nosy neighbor from Bewitched, who would peak through her curtains & somehow knew the whole neighborhood's story...

but, we must say that personally we "LOVE" Facebook 
because we are Gladys's too !!! 

And, last but not least...our family...who love us, but who criticize us the most. Our father, Louie, who wants me, Kathy, to get a city job with a good pension...(He still works full-time at Age 77 for the Uniformed Firefighter's Association & he is a retired NYC fireman & UFA President & Vice-President).  Lorraine's husband, Joe, & her girls, ages 25, 22, & 19, who are only interested in "What's for dinner".  

We still haven't proven to our family that we actually do "WORK".  Both Lorraine & I have our eBay Powerseller Certificates proudly displayed on the refrigerator door...after all everyone is in there all day long !!!  

And last, but not least...we will show how you can make...

And to quote from our sister blog: Lorraine's Favorite Finds

We're Pickers... 
We're Junkers...
We're Treasure Hunters...

Roaming the Town...& the Country too !!!

Rummaging in attics

& basements too !!!

Mixing the "OLD" 
with the "NEW"
After all...It's what we do

trying to make a buck or two !!!

Born Junkers Tawkin Trash,
Kathleen Sforza
Lorraine Sforza Razzano

eBay Stores:

The Savvy Sisters 

Facebook Fan Pages:
Trash Talk NYC 
Lorraine's Favorite Finds 
Kathleen Rose's Collection

P.S....Here's our helper..."Misty Marie" & she never complains...